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Writer's picturePamela Burwash

My List of 100

A few years ago, I was introduced to the idea of a ‘List of 100'.

As someone who traditionally set goals and resolutions, to kick off in January, I liked the idea having a big list.

However, if I’m being honest 100 goals seemed daunting :\

What is different about this list, is that it’s comprised of things you want to do (have a picnic at the beach), accomplish (goals), and feel (or embody).

In crafting my list this year, the first 50 or so items on the list seemed easy; water before coffee in the mornings, read 24 books, save X in my emergency fund, mail Christmas cards to family and friends for the holidays.

It was the next 50 that took a bit more reflection.

Towards the middle of January, as I was completing this list, my goals became stretchier and more ambitious; leave my full-time corporate gig, become a coach full time, manifest my dream home, say yes to things even if they make me feel uncomfortable/nervous.

For how I wanted to feel, I leaned into what is non-negotiable for me to add items such as, reach out to friends when you think of them, reflect the beauty in others when you see it, don't be afraid to be a beginner - learn something new.

As I used my values as my basis for what went on this list, it focused my efforts, energy, time, and outcomes for the year.

I’ve gotten into the habit of reflecting on this list not only at the end of the year, but at the start of every new month, allowing me a refocus towards the things I want to achieve and feelings I want to embody.

Fast forward to December, and with just a few short weeks away from the New Year my list looks very different. There are highlighted items, crossed and checked off items and things I didn’t even get to.

It’s with this new sifted-through list that I will reflect on what I want to bring with me as a goal/feeling/item for 2023.

· What have you been intentional about creating this year?

· What things might you need to let go of in 2023?

· What can you anchor into to fuel you as you embark on a new year?

With this knowledge, I invite you to consider making your own list. Whether it is 100 items or 10. When we are intentional about how we want to spend our time energy and resources we have a clearer sight on our vision and take the steps we need to further our dreams.

Wishing you a mindful month ahead.

Sending loves,

Pamela x

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